Republic Act No. 9512 or the “National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008“.


As time goes by, our environment is literally dying, and so are we. Mark that in your mind, we are the one who'll suffer the most if we will just let this happen. Aside from the various diseases that we could get, we could die out of hunger; by water and food contamination. Also, let us not forget about climate change. And that is why the Republic Act No. 9512 or the “National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008“ was made.

All of us want the ideal state of environment. The state that allows us to breath air without the reeking pollution. One that gives us the best sceneries that our eyes' can savor. That is the ideal environment.

And to achieve that, we have to move together, together with the National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008. This act will help us spread awareness about our environmental problems. 

And with the knowledge, mindset, and determination, we could achieve our ideal environment and community.

Republic Act No. 9512 or the “National Environmental Awareness 
and Education Act of 2008“


The state shall promote national awareness on the role of natural resources in economic growth and the importance of environmental conservation and ecological balance towards sustained national development.

We don't want an unhealthy environment; an unhealthy environment is equal to an unhealthy person.

Enough is enough.
Cliché it may sound, but let us turn our dreams into reality. Together, we can build a stronger community and a healthy environment. Let us continue to make our environment the best place we can be in, for us, and for the next generations.


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