
Showing posts from December, 2020

Republic Act No. 9512 or the “National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008“.

  As time goes by, our environment is literally dying, and so are we. Mark that in your mind, we are the one who'll suffer the most if we will just let this happen. Aside from the various diseases that we could get, we could die out of hunger; by water and food contamination. Also, let us not forget about climate change. And that is why the Republic Act No. 9512 or the “National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008“ was made. All of us want the ideal state of environment. The state that allows us to breath air without the reeking pollution. One that gives us the best sceneries that our eyes' can savor. That is the ideal environment. And to achieve that, we have to move together, together with the National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008. This act will help us spread awareness about our environmental problems.  And with the knowledge, mindset, and determination, we could achieve our ideal environment and community. Republic Act No. 9512 or the “Nat

Republic Act No. 8750 or the "Seat Belts Use Act of 1999."

  The road is a very dangerous place. We do not know what kind of drivers we are driving with and it's alarming. We have no clue on what could happen anytime. And so, the "Seat Belts Use Act of 1999" is made. Through this Act, everyone, especially drivers and front seat passengers, are mandated to wear seatbelts when driving or traveling. This is for everyone's safety. Wearing seat belt isn't a hard thing to do, but still, many people doesn't wear them. In case you don't know, seat belts protects us from harm. In times of accident, seat belts prevents us from getting badly injured. Let us say that you are driving at so much speed and then suddenly, an old man was passing by the road, so you had to step on the break immediately and hit the post beside the road instead. If you are wearing your seatbelts, you would still be safe. But, if you are not wearing your seatbelt, you probably flew already. And that is one of the importance of seatbelts. LTO: ALMOST O

Republic Act No. 10175 or the “Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012”.

  As technology arises, the internet was made. The internet that has been introducing us to a lot of things; to social media, mobile games, and many more various applications which allowed us to learn, communicate, find entertainment, enjoy, and discover a lot of things. But of course, it is not always fun, there is always a negative side. Cybercrime. Cybercrime is on the negative of the internet world, it is done by using the internet to offend, threaten, scam, spread personal or fake informations, hack, and blackmail a person or a company. According to sources, cybercrime could cause financial losses, stealing of identity, stealing of intellectual properties, and loss of confidence and trust.  People started taking advantage of the internet and is now used for crimes. How scary, the internet which made a lot of us enjoy and smile is now being used for crimes. 'FAILON NGAYON':CYBERCRIME CASES IN THE PHILIPPINES Last March 2017, Camille Arogona, an assistant director, became a

Republic Act No. 10586 or the "Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act of 2013”.

Driving a vehicle while drunk ang drugged is very dangerous. It could destroy a life. Republic Act number 10586 says that if a driver is  found to have been driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and or drugs, they  shall be penalized with three (3) to twelve (12) months of imprisonment and penalty of 20,000 to 500,000 pesos. Driving under the influence of alcohol and or drugs is never a good idea. In just a blink of an eye, you could get into accident and everything around you could be destroyed. It put lives at stake; not just your life, but also the lives of those who are around you. Also, it could damage properties which you will be needing to compensate. You see, this is where your ignorance and irresponsible attitude could lead you.  A lot of people gets anxious in the road due to drunk and drugged driving. Many thoughts are running through their minds including the wellness of the drivers. Of course, it is scary when one, even just one, of the drivers of the vehi

Republic Act 9775 or the "Anti-child pornography Act of 2009"

  Child pornography is done through child sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. All over the world, many cases regarding child pornography have been rising and so are victims. Sadly, many victims aren't aware that they are being used already; while on the other hand, abusers are enjoying in using them. And this is against the law. As child pornography continues, these children's lives are being ruined too. Being introduced into pornography in an early age could really affect their main perspective in life. And the fact that they are being encouraged by adults could make them think that what they are doing is just okay.  Child Pornography could turn a child into a sex addict or give them trauma or both, which is a very bad result. And also, to add, nowadays, many minors are being impregnated in an early age, and child pornography is probably one of the causes. Introduction of pornography to minors through exploitation, abuse, or on any form of sexualizing falls under child porno